Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Open the Gates!

So here's the first post of my new blog. Lots of things have changes in the last year and I felt that it was fitting to update my "persona" to reflect those changes.

The name of the blog happens to reflect a name that my wife has given me, that would be Seanface. This in turn is a reference to the film Borat and vanilla face (you have to see the film to understand) which became a running joke between her and I. It also happens to be my Gamertag on Xbox Live so if you see me on Call of Duty 4, which I'm obsessed with at the moment, let me know that you stumbled across my blog. Unless you're just going to tell me that it sucks, then don't bother.

So welcome everyone to my new blog. I hope you enjoy the ride. Just remember one thing, It's my blog and I'll do what I want. If you don't like it take a hike.

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