Friday, April 11, 2008

All Hail the Guitar God!

So I got Guitar Hero III finally from my EBay win last week. It kicks total ass. It takes a little getting used to the guitar controller but it is more like playing a real guitar than I thought it would be. Even on the easy setting some of the songs are somewhat difficult. Of course with practice it will get easier but I'm the kind of gamer that likes to complete things 100% so I'm breaking out into a sweat just thinking about how tough it will be on Expert.

Judo Boy is trying to get used to the whole concept of the guitar and having to push the fret buttons and strum at the same time. Granted it takes coordination but he is easily frustrated and it's a challenge to get him to calm down and focus. The good news is that he has the ROCK (yes, it rates all caps) movements down. As soon as he starts to hit a string of notes and gets the rhythm he goes into rock star mode and dances/gyrates around. I have no idea where he learned it and he has never been one to practice the fine art of air guitar, so it baffles me where he picked it up.

I also have a new found respect for anyone that can play the guitar. I'm just pressing colored buttons and clicking a strumming bar that simulates strings and that's kicking my ass. I can't imagine having to press the correct string(s) and strum those string(s) in any sort of pattern that makes sense.

So if any of you out there have Guitar Hero III and you want to challenge me to a dual go ahead and send me an invite. But know this, I suck and I'm easy prey. Be gentle.

Oh and one more thing. It looks like Vanilla Gorilla will be working with me at the end of the month. That's all I can say for now.

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