Saturday, August 9, 2008

Crash and Burn!

So I unplugged my computer because we were having a thunder storm in the area and the last thing I need is fried computer syndrome with having to write a review that was due 2 weeks ago (although my boss casually forgot to mention that), pay taxes for 3G, build an invoice for a wedding that 3G did 2 weeks ago (I see a trend here), and having to do research for vacation which happens in 2 days. Next day, after the thunder storm, I go down stairs to the office and plug in the surge protector and immediately there is a flash out the back of my tower. I'm sure you can see where this is going.
Push the power button and I get nothin'. Absolute zero juice. I do what any logical person does. I swear like a MFin' Marine. I don't have time for this BS. I guess that it's the power supply and replace it. I get juice but now I have an alarm. I run the tower with the side panel off and notice that my Northbridge fan is not spinning so I replace that but I still get the alarm. I have one more thing that I can try but after that I'm out of ideas.
Anyway, I'm going on vaca in 2 days to the North Shore of Minnesota. Turns out that there is a ton of waterfalls there and there is a huge band of Lake Superior Agate that runs on the surface in that area. So the family is going camping, waterfall hunting, and rock collecting. Good thing Judo Boy got a rock tumbler for his birthday. I'll post pictures in about 2 weeks. See y'all then.